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  • Writer's pictureJames Eric Fristad

What Happened to All the Tourists?

Looking back over the past 24 hours, I realize that everyone here in Ravenna seems to belong here in Ravenna. Compared, I mean, to Venice where there seem to be no actual residents—other than shopkeepers, of course, many of whom you suspect may actually live back across the long causeway in nearby Maestre. Not to be critical, at all; rather observing the differences after yesterday's three-hour-plus train ride. Maybe it's the neighborhood that shapes my perception? Last week (well, after the airlines SNAFU, it was four days but seemed longer) we were among students overnight, having reserved a dorm room to stay at during Venice University's inter-term days. Rushed feeling, and slightly institutional lodgings. You know, being passed by kids in the hallway, making room for them in the elevator.

But back to this week's neighborhood.

Partly our present sense of ease, then, relates to this week's digs in Ravenna, a remarkably historic town not far from the shores of the Adriatic, some 90 or so miles south from Venice. Here's where we enjoy most meals indoors—what an alternative to almost any other lodgings you can think of.... To all appearances, shopping for furnishings at a place like Mrs Darling's in Riverside, has kept pace with faux couture places like IKEA, for our hostess. I would happily retire to this place, were I more clever at learning Italian.

I am seated in (hostess) Margherita's photo, now, with my back to the painted green bottle.

An interesting aside, the internet here is definitely 5G stuff: I have our VPN registering us as New Yorkers (we are mostly interested in series on Acorn TV, whose broadcast contracts apparently do not include Italy), and it takes almost no time for the transmission to zing there and back. Which little detail is not meant as a nudge for friends to write to us here. Really---although that tiny envelope icon down in the footer of theyregoingagain website, is a gateway link for emailing.

Geeky me.

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