How different from the days when prepping for a vacation meant deciding on clothes, what toiletries to take, putting vitamins where you can find them. Agreed, there are more pills—considerably more, meant to encourage my age-denial. Deciding on what species of garb to fold carefully, then roll up to fit into that odd little space; nowadays the fabric itself needs a surprising amount of thought. At one time, mere colors and textures used to vie with our need to take way too many wearables. Now it is what the fabric is, how fast it will air-dry, whether it retains its shape. Would it spawn public reproach if you didn't iron it? Sheesh.
Then there's coffee-making stuff, a topic for an essay of its own anon.
But returning to the title, top of this page: this afternoon I have been sorting through USB connectors and wall plugs with every possible adapter for the country we're staying in; chargers, batteries, testing each as I sort through them; deciding what's needed and what wants updating (or would just feel more high-tech if I replaced it, hahaha). This necessary pastime is a new thing, here, or at least the intensity of its importance.
"Oh, no, there's no USB outlet on this plane, and my Samsung is going on vapor with another three hours in the air! And I have seen each of this airline's dumb movies, and my in-flight magazine looks like somebody drooled on it... And I can't sleep."
Bringing our cell phones; my tablet with keyboard; camera jazz (yet another topic for another day); probably at least one Kindle. Is there enough memory in cell phone for photo and video storage, for a trip this long (no, actually there isn't). Have I cleared away non-essential apps that clutter and clog these clever little devices? Better get with the program, here.
Lord, have mercy.